We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

For any inquiries, please reach us at the email seer[at]comp.nus.edu.sg

Project team

Kevin Foong Wei Tong

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Team Lead, Deadlines & Delivery
  • Responsibilities: In charge of the add, edit and recommend features and the Storage component.

Marcus Tang Xin Kye

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Integration, Code Quality
  • Responsibilities: In charge of list feature and schedule feature.

Taufiq Bin Abdul Rahman

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Scheduling
  • Responsibilities: In charge of delete feature and UI.

Lim Yu Zher

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Documentation
  • Responsibilities: In charge of link feature

Yeluri Ketan

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Testing
  • Responsibilities: In charge of the get feature and the Model component.